To be an Agroecologist promoting co-creation, and bring to life 1Million Agriculture aligned jobs before I'm 70 years.
To establish Agro-based Mobile App development incubation centres across Africa to promote the integration of technology into agriculture and boost the participation of young people in the agricultural value chain in Africa;
To become a global leader in promoting Peace, Social Justice, and Human Rights through advocating for the setting up of Equitable food systems ;
Professional Skills:
Executive President, (Founder) Hunter's Global Network
Hunter's Energy and Mining International PTY LTD &
Public speaker;

Get to Know Me
My name is Elfas Mcloud Zadzagomo Shangwa,
call me Hunter, this is my surname translated to English, in my work H.U.N.T.E.R stands for Humanitarian Unlimited Treasures & Entrepreneurship Resources.
There are two things that define me and set me apart, the first one is being a Christian, and the second being an African.
Christianity has made me a principled man and being an African has built the Ubuntu philosophy in me, "I am because you are" I do things for others to be happy, i am proud to be African.
At birth, my mother called me Anyway - reasons for that are best known to her (May God rest her soul), I remember when she used to tell me that she got pregnant at 14 years, the results being sexual abuse, the disadvantage was that laws against child sexual abuse were not yet there, so she could not report to anyone, back to the name, she surprisingly later changed my name to Elphas but when they got my birth certificate they say it was written Elfas but the meaning behind the name remains the same, "one who put all his trust in God" so they say, I think the influence carried by this name has pushed me to be what I am today.
I am proud of the two identities that make me more African, I am a Zambian by the origins of my ancestry but a Zimbabwean by birth, being an African is not because I was born in Africa but because Africa is in me, I am Africa.
By nature of my work, I have become an international Citizen as I have not stayed in my country of birth for a very long time now.
By virtue of working with elderly people during school holidays when I was growing up, I had the opportunity to learn more about how they survived in the past and how I can train today’s youths on the journey in the business world. especially Agriculture.
I am a Professional Coach/ Mentor in the following disciplines:
1-Organisation development, policy & processes
2-Agroecology systems in Agriculture
3-Cluster Farming & strategy Developmentdevelopment
4- Mindset Change & Discipline
5- Financial Literacy & Discipline
6- Agribusiness development
7- Value Addition
8- SWOT Analysis & Strategy development as well as
9- Sustainable Management and
I am also an internationally published author, I have written the two books which are now masterpieces, this happened from the year 2011 to the year 2017, the books were earmarked for Zimbabwean children but with a lot of red tape in government Ministries, we were refused permission to publish them in Zimbabwe.

Going Up The Ladder
My profession has made me a policymaker on policy and processes in the non-profit sector.
Agriculture has become a part of my life, as I was born in a family of farmers, I have become friends with nature, I treat animals and the environment humanly,
learning has made me an Agroecologist
with a big dream of creating 100 000 Agri-based enterprises out of 100 000 young people, this translates to 1 million jobs in Africa by the year 2035.
In my professional life, I wear a lot of hats.
I love coaching and mentoring others, especially on Mind transformation, Financial literacy & discipline. Agribusiness issues, travelling, reading and blogging are a part of my life. I make my money through the time spent daily connected to the internet sharing knowledge skills with others and searching for opportunities as well as wisdom. This has made me a Global Netizen.
Being a political science student has also influenced my life in promoting human rights and advocating for social justice around the world, being a father of 4 girls has made me want to become an Anti-Gender Based Violence activist and this has landed me the Global youth Ambassadorial cap.
My Business Life:
I started out in business at 14 years of age, selling paraffin and sweets on Zimbabwe streets and at the bus terminus, the experience I got on the street at that tender age made me streetwise and sharpened my entrepreneurial skills as I saw what it takes to run a successful business from the street life.
With the belief of what I heard about the next generation of billionaires coming from Africa and this happening in the Agriculture Sector, I have made sure that my presence in that industry is visible and uncontested, not only as a farmer but as a mentor for young and upcoming farmers in the Agriculture value chain.
My dream is big, and it can scare you away but that's my life I can't refuse whom I am meant to be. I have worked with many people, some who have turned against me after I have done well to them and some who have run away from me because they want quick results while I have long term ideas which mature late in life.
In my early days in life, I played a very big role in the agriculture and construction industries, this has made my dream of going into full-time farming and real estate investments at my retirement a reality.

Working with children in Harare Year 2013
Training Farmers in Agroecology Skills

Founded 3 NGOs, one on child rights advocacy, the other on Social Justice and Human rights and the last on Agribusiness, both organizations are now operational around the world and have assisted 3,500 people since 2004 to date;
Internationally published author of two child rights books,
Have travelled to several countries around the world to include China, USA, Switzerland, France and several others in Africa for training, seminars and workshops.

China 2016
2022: Executive Chairperson Farmers Pride International
2021: Global Peace Let's Talk Board Chairperson/ Director
2020: Present Kalinka Youth INT Portal
Deputy Chief Head / Coordinator Africa
2013:Present New Hope Foundation Global Network
President & Executive Chairperson
2015: Present Farmers Pride International
CEO & Executive Chairperson
2016-2018: Step Ahead Primary School
ICT Lab Technician & Coordinator
2012 -2013 New Hope Foundation Africa
CEO / Executive Chairperson
2004 – 2012 New hope foundation Zimbabwe
Founder / CEO
1995-2000 Pillgrow Investments
Construction Manager
1993-94 Astra Engineering
General Labour
Business Development Consultancy
NGO/NPO Capacity building
Organizational Policy and System development
Human Rights Advocacy;
Peace Building;
Agribusiness development, Facilitation & Mentorship;
Commercial awareness (or business acumen);
Negotiation and persuasion;
Perseverance and motivation;
Microsoft Office packages; Office 365,Microsoft Windows, 7,8 and 10 Software installations and upgrades
Marketing and Communication Management.
Pastoring & Mentorship
Teaching / Preaching
socializing with friends and family;
reading and carrying out desktop research;
watching TV (BBC Click, News and documentaries);
Creating and designing websites.
Praying and Going to Church