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Pebble Beach


I dream of peace, my work is around peace building, I have now become a Goodwill Ambassador for peace, but i believe peace can only happen when the world has overcome poverty, this happening with the setting up of sustainable food systems.

I dream of an African Agribusiness sector that is able to feed the world but this can only happen when it has all the support it needs to transform family, community and national economies. I dream of donors and funding institutions partnering with Africa to Build an Integrated African Agribusiness Sector”; “Financing a Dynamic African Agribusiness Sector”; “Removing Barriers to Create Opportunities in Regional and Global Trade”; and “Leveraging Development Assistance to Support Private Enterprise”.

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Green Field
My office 2007.jpg



My journey in the NGO sector started in year 2000, It was a tough decision to make, I had nothing and knew nothing about this sector, but now with 20 years of working in this sector it has given me 20 years of experience, and I have  now pocketed a lot of experience on how to start an NGO from scratch, run its projects, and manage grants. I can help any institution in  Organisation capacity building, that include marketing, programming, systems settings, project formulation, projects, progress reports, and the end of project report writing, with this experience.


  I have become a self-made Non Profit Organisation capacity building consultant, yes I know you have questions, if I have testimonies to this effect, the big answer is yes, I have, for your own information I have established several NGOs under my own organisation's banner in +30 countries worldwide, I have recruited and trained my organisation's leadership starting from scratch, I have all the expertise and tools required to help one start and run an NGOs/NPO.

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The push factor in my mission is my background, I grew up in very challenging situations. I have experienced poverty so that I could appreciate prosperity, I have been homeless so that I could appreciate a home when I have one, I have experienced heartbreaks so that I could appreciate love, I have experienced hunger so that I could appreciate a full stomach when I have food, I have suffered rejection to its worst so that I could learn to embrace those going through all I have faced in my life.

During all these experiences listed above I have learned one great lesson to believe in myself before I believe what a friend could tell me."

I have trained my character to be strong and firm, determined and unyielding.

I am a man on a mission, and my mission is Global


In year2000 I became what I did not know I would be in my life, It all started when I founded an NGO in Zimbabwe which would later take me across the world, this helped me discover the strength I have in turning other people's lives for the good, I have become an international NGO leader, mentor in skills building, peacemaker,  Human rights defender and a motivational speaker. Although I have a big dream on employment creation, my bigger mission is to reach out to people whose rights are being violated, the disaster affected and economically marginalized people, and give them a hand. To achieve this I cannot be working alone on such a big mission, but I will need  to work with different  teams of experts composed of thousands of Global Change Makes across the world.





Life has also made me a minister of religion, not because i choose to be one but because I was meant to be one. In year 2003 I was invited to join a Pentecostal bible college for a 3-year study, this was to be a turning point in my life as I moved from being a mere community man to a global citizen, with 6 months of being into the bible college I managed to set up my first NGO office in Zimbabwe and in 2004 got my first funding that further transformed me and the organisation I was building, I completed my studies in year 2006, went into full time Ministry for 3 years but faced challenges that end up destroying my first marriage and were about to destroy my NGO, the marriage part was lost, but I managed to save my work side. In 2009, I started travelling around the world to attend workshops and seminars i would have been invited to attend through my NGO,  to date I have gone to countries like China a record 10 times, visited the USA once in 2011, Switzerland and France same time in 2011, and I have been to several African countries that include South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Kenya, Rwanda and Botawana.

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