Whenever I'm sitting and thinking about my past projects I always think of 4 to 5 major activities that I have organised and implemented in Zimbabwe, coming first on my mind is the Global March Against Child Zimbabwe 2007, a 541 physical March from Harare to Plumtree border post with Botswana, this was one of my major achievements, It took me one and half year of hard work, planning and implementing to achieve this.

The global march against child labour came about in 1998, following a significant response concerning the desire to end child labour. It was a grassroots movement that motivated many individuals and organizations to come together and fight against child labour and not an annual march.
The main goals of this movement were to:
"Protect and promote the rights of all children, especially the rights to receive free, meaningful education"[1]
"To be free from economic exploitation and from performing any work that is likely to be damaging to a child's physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development". The march was very successful, and it achieved its purpose by allowing changes to occur with the policies of child labour with the International Labour Organization (ILO)[1]
In the year 2007 I organized, the Global event called Global March Against Child Labour, The march took place on December 1–31, 2007. It started in Harare and ended in Plumtree, a border town with Botswana, it was a 541 kilometre physical march that took 28 days to complete, passing through 5 major cities and farming communities.
The march was financially supported by the British Embassy in Zimbabwe, Save the Children UK, International Labour Organisation (ILO), TER Des Homes Germany, Government of Zimbabwe and many schools and individuals around the country.
The goal of the March was to combat child labour and to spread education to the children. Media outlets were used to promote this event through television, newspaper and radio. The march was hosted/implemented by the New Hope Foundation Zimbabwe, an NGO I founded in 2004 in Zimbabwe : [2]
Read the Global March Against Child Labour Zimbabwe 2007 Report here.