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As a Social Justice Advocate & human rights defender, I pledge to voice, document and report  any human rights violations on behalf of individuals or groups, promoting and protecting their civil and political rights as well as promote, protect and supporting the realization of their economic, social and cultural rights. "So help me God"

My Journey

In 2004, I became the first Executive Director of my organization. It was not an easy task for a man who literally knew nothing about what he was doing. With a team of 50 Volunteers from a community called Epworth near Harare, the capital city of Zimbabwe, carrying the zeal to be seen doing something  to the forefront of those who stand for those whose rights are being violated.


 Striving to register impact I steered the small ship I had brought to life against all odds, for 5 full years I toiled across Zimbabwean communities at Zero budget with no donors, funders or funding coming from anyone, the only support I had with me was from two of my colleagues who had helped me to register the organization as a trust, Mr. Damson Kagande, and Mr. Kadzengerere, these two played a pivotal role in the registration of New Hope Zimbabwe Trust


Start, Move, and Keep On Moving:


The world might seem to be blind or deaf to the small things you are doing right now but don't worry, keep your eyes on your ball, someone somewhere is watching your effort with interest, where one puts effort one is always bound to get results,  those who want to help others will seek you out.


 In 2004 after a long wait,  struggling to make ends meet, hungry, angry and about to give up on my great dream I got a magical call that changed everything around me from Save the Children UK an international NGO which was based in Zimbabwe, they wanted to come to visit me and see my work, I was still a novice. 


The meeting I had with Save the Children UK changed my  life.


This meeting resulted in a 3-year project in Harare,  from year 2005 to year 2008, as you implement a project some donors will start to see something they were not seeing in the past, that's how my work started to grow until i started travelling across the world. In 2007 while working with my team in Zimbabwe we organized a global event which went to change the course of my life further, you can read about it here 


To date, my job has directly supported 35 000 women, young people, and children, I hope to have employed, supported and empowered millions by 2035. The New Hope Foundation Zimbabwe project has grown and from it an international project called New Hope Foundation Global Network was born




A Rich Mindset:

When I founded New Hope Foundation Zimbabwe I was a poor man with a rich mentality, doing what I could do without a salary or an allowance was not easy but this did not make me lose focus, I believed in myself, I had the will power in me, my mind was focused on my goals, written down and being implemented tirelessly and painfully, yet all this did not make my children lose hope or hate my work, two of my children have now joined hands with me, they are now part of the Global Movement on Sustainable development and social justice.


I'm still around for many more years to come building an institution like NHFGN is not an easy task, but I will be here to see the dream I started so many years ago come to pass, now sitting on the hot seat as the Driver of a huge ship I stand proud of myself, with 20 years of experience as a Founder of this Global initiative, i have now become a Leader, a social justice advocate, Human rights defender,  NGO/NPO capacity building expert, mentor, presenter, facilitator, and internationally published author.


Today, as you read this one of my children is now the Country Director at New Hope Foundation Zimbabwe, with the experience she got from what she saw me doing for years as she was growing up and at times getting involved in what I was doing, in October 2018 she challenged me when she said dad give me an opportunity to lead your closed Zimbabwe office, I could not say no, I agreed had a meeting with her and her friends,  together they started to build a youthful section, changed my old management systems and programming style and putting in place the future humanitarian organization, an NGO I hope to see grow from strength to strength while I am still strong to say yes and no...


Global Change Maker:


I am now an international taskmaster and way maker, commandeering thousands of men, women, boys, and girls to promote the U.N sustainable development Goals and with wisdom that I have mastered in 19+ years to steer this ship to its Destiny.


The New Hope Foundation Global Network is now in 33+ Countries around the world, and with our movement we have now created a platform for thousands of global change-makers across the world. Please visit our two websites through the links below and see how we started and where we aim to go.



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